Scientific notation is a way to express very small or very large numbers. The number in standard form (or decimal notation), must be
- between 1 & 9.9999999...
- multiplied by 10 to the appropriate power
b) 0.0000000302 = 3.02 x 10^-8
c) 3.25 x 10^8 = 325,000,000
d) 7.86 x 10^-5 = 0.0000786
If 1m = 100cm
1m^2 = 10,000cm^2 (100cm x 100cm)
1m^3 = 1,000,000cm^3 (100cm x 100cm x100cm)
ex. a) 8.1m^3 --> km^3
Think first!
10^3m = 1km
10^9m^3 = 1km^3
8.1m^3 x km^3/10^9m^3 = 8.1 x 10^-9
b) 4.3dm^2 --> Gm^2
dm --> m --> Gm
10^2 dm^2 = 1m^2 (10 x 10)
10^18m^2 = 1Gm^2 (10^9 x 10^9)
4.3dm^2 x m^2 / 10^2dm^2 x Gm^2 / 10^18m^2

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